Announcing 3-Day Columbia Gorge Classic/Junior Nationals 2024 in WA

At this week’s Orienteering USA board meeting, Cascade Orienteering was officially awarded Junior Nationals 2024.
The 3-day event we are naming the “Columbia Gorge Classic” will take place March 22-24, 2024 in the Quincy, WA area. Friday will be an NRE middle, and Saturday and Sunday will be the official Jr National classic races, also NRE’s.
Save the dates and if you are able to volunteer please reach out to us!
South Quincy Lakes, Bishops Land, and Frenchman Coulee are officially embargoed until after the competitions take place.  Anyone planning to compete at the Columbia Gorge Classic is not allowed to visit any of these areas.
Much more detailed information will be coming out soon!

Winter League Opens Registration/Volunteering

Winter League is right around the corner. Registration and volunteering are now open! Get signed up to run and help.  In our competitive levels of Short and Long Advanced, the category names have changed to Female and Open (anyone is eligible to run in the Open category).

The schedule looks like:

Oct 7Winter League North TrainingLynndale Park Free/Special Registration Required
Oct 22 Winter League South TrainingMaple Valley Farmers Market Free/Special Registration Required
Nov 4 Winter League #1Lincoln Park (Seattle)
Nov 18Winter League #2 North SeaTac Park
Dec 2 Winter League #3Shoreview Park/Shoreline College
Dec 16Winter League #4University of Washington
Jan 6Winter League #5Putney Woods (Whidbey Island)
Jan 20Winter League #6 Summit Trails/Rock Creek Natural Area (Maple Valley)
Feb 3Winter League #7Lord Hill Park (Monroe) ​*Pending Permits​*
Feb 17Winter League ChampsGreen River College (Auburn)
Feb 18 Winter League Celebration RelayLuther Burbank Park (Mercer Island)

8th Person to Earn Level 4 Patch

Congratulations to Clara Sherwood from Maple Valley, WA!  On August 9th, 2023, she became just the 8th junior from COC to earn her Level 4 OUSA Skill Patch.  To earn the level 4 orienteering patch, it takes years to develop the requisite skill and experience in orienteering training and competition.  Clara has proven her skill in national and local races over the last 5 years as she has developed into one of the top youth female orienteers in the country.  Additionally, earning the patch requires the junior be proactive in volunteering in the operation of the club.  To earn a level 4 patch, as a capstone assignment, you must perform a critical club role, and specifically one that only a skilled orienteer can perform.  Working with Chris Cooper and Will Enger, Clara performed course design duties for the Wednesday Evening Series race at Olson Mansion.  Through this process, she learned how to perform map updates, use Purple Pen, understand the basics of course design, and most importantly, learned how to deal with the things that will inevitably go wrong at a race.  The intent of all orienteering races is ultimately have fun, it seemed that all had a great time.  Thanks for the work and service Clara!  And enjoy the patch…you earned it:).


If you want to learn more about the patch program, click here.  It provides a great framework for learning and growing your orienteering skillset for coaches and juniors alike.

If you want to see the full list of COC Junior Level 4 patch earners, click here.


Wednesday Evening #5 – Olson Mansion 8/9!


Make the trek out to Olson Mansion in Maple Valley for the penultimate event of our 2023 Wednesday Evening Series on Wednesday, August 9th, with starts 5-7 pm. Preregistration and volunteering will be open until 9pm on the 8th, and further event and course info can be found on the event page!