Registration closes Tue 20th at midnight – Four Days of Orienteering including the Marmot O’Cup coming to Spokane – June 22-25

Cascade OC in conjunction with Eastern Washington OC is putting on four races in the Spokane area June 22-25. Thursday will be a Forest Sprint and Friday a Classic hosted by EWOC; more info on both of these is available at Events | EWOC.

Saturday and Sunday will be the Marmot O’Cup at Fishtrap Lake. (Note due to permitting issues this event is NO longer at Fisk State Park.) Come experience the unique scabland terrain of Fishtrap Lake, where the vistas are expansive but details are plentiful. Saturday will be a Long and Sunday a Middle.  More info here. Register here.

The registration will close on Tuesday June 20th at midnight, actually at 11:59 pm so be on time!



Two New Level 4 Orienteers Receive Their Patches

Congratulations to Jack Barkley and Ben Conley for earning their Level-4 Orienteering Skill and Contribution patches.  Jack and Ben are only the 6th and 7th youth to earn their Level-4 patches.

To earn their patches, they had to earn the previous level 1-3 patches while developing their orienteering skills and completing the milestones required.  The capstone assignment for level 4 certification is always something that requires a significant commitment to Cascade Orienteering Club, a proven high-level orienteering skill, as well as fulfilling a critical need for the club as a capstone milestone.  Typically this is in the form of mapping or course design.  In their case, Jack and Ben assisted the team of mappers who spent their entire spring break making a new map for Cascade Orienteering Club in Eastern Washington (Fisk State Park).  Be sure to ask them about their experience next time you see them and congratulate them on a major milestone!  More importantly, enjoy the fruits of their labor if you make it out to Fisk State Park for the race that will be held in June as part of the Ultimate Series.

Cascade now has 7 youth that have completed their Level 4 OUSA Skill progression patches:  Shane Conley, Ben Brady, Ben Cooper, Jackson Rupe, Greta Leonard, Ben Conley, and Jack Barkley.  The OUSA patch system provides a great framework for advancing your orienteering skills as well as your contribution to YOUR orienteering club.  For information on the “Patch System”, see details here:

Patch Page

Even if you are not interested in the Patch Program, the club always needs volunteers to keep us alive and thriving.  Find ways to be a Jack Barkley or Ben Conley:)

NEW VENUE ALERT! Join us this Saturday Apr 22

UltimateO heads to a brand-new venue on Saturday, April 22. Join us for a freestyle event (you must visit all controls, but you choose the order) at Camp Hamilton in Duvall.  Be one of the first to orienteer on our new map, freshly field-checked in 2022 by Bill Cusworth using a brand new John Brady base map. Details here. Register here.

Nine Cascade Members Named to TeamUSA

A belated congratulations to the NINE Cascade OC members who were named to the USA Orienteering team in February. Six athletes – Zoe Sibthorp, Zariah Zosel, Annika Mihata, Greta Leonard, Ben Cooper, and Ben Brady- were selected to represent TeamUSA on the junior squad. Three athletes -Will Enger, Eric Bone, and Jessica Colleran – earned a spot on the performance squad. COC had more than any other club this year.  All nine plus two others (Anna Campbell and Tori Borish) who have moved to other clubs got their start in COC’s Washington Interscholastic Orienteering League or WIOL. Cascade is so proud of all these athletes’ accomplishments! Great job all!

Get Your Headlamps Ready- Ultimate-O Kicks off with a Night O at Lynndale Park on March 11

CascadeOC doesn’t rest. We are rolling right into another fun and adventurous series of events. The Ultimate Orienteer Series kicks off the first in a series of events with a Night-O.  Join us on the evening of March 11th to race around in the dark at Lynndale Park at Ultimate-O #1!  Ultimate follows Winter League in offering the public start-time sign-ups via Sign Up Genius.