“Virtual” Orienteering Courses
November 22, 2020 by Ing Uhlin

The Tahoma Orienteering School Team together with COC is putting on a series of virtual events on the app UsynligO (see the earlier News post about UsynligO here). This is a 5-week series of events, each with four levels of courses, White (Elementary, Beginner), Yellow (Middle School, Advanced Beginner), Orange (Junior Varsity, Intermediate), and Red (Varsity, Short Advanced). There is also a very short Warmup or Model course for each event so you can try the app before heading out on a longer course.
Nov 7: Lake Wilderness. The map for the Red course is not available on UsynligO but can be downloaded here.
Nov 14: Summit Trails
Nov 21: Fort Steilacoom Park
Dec 5: Magnuson Park
Dec 12: Hamlin Park
For instructions on how to start using UsynligO, please see the guide, and this YouTube video from OCIN (start at 6:10 into the video).
To access the maps with the courses, you can download them from the app as explained in the guide. You can also download the course maps from the website UsynligO.no. Click on All events and find the event you are looking for on the map. The first link (“Directions”) under Event Description is the Google map of the start location. Under the Directions are the links to the individual course maps.
The lowdown: This app is far from perfect. Like your phone GPS, it will work better in open areas and good weather. Sometimes the GPS and the app cannot keep up with you and you have to wait for a few seconds for the app to buzz telling you that you are in the right control location. But it is a lot better than no orienteering.
Print your map, bring your compass, head to the course at a time that works for you. Keep at least a 6-foot distance from others outside of your family. Wear a mask. Be safe.
For questions, contact tahomaorienteering@gmail.com